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 © Tagadere

Registered Charity 1129416

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Positively Speaking: Tagadere experiences 1

‘Tagadere is a lifesaver’

Dear Tagadere.


I am writing to you because I feel that it needs to be said. Tagadere means so much to me and I know that goes for a lot of other people too.  Personally, for me to say that Tagadere is a lifesaver is not an understatement at all.  From you, I receive spiritual and emotional support on a level which I was unaware existed until I came to the weekly drop in which you provide.


After suffering doubt and confusion, suddenly I was welcomed into the midst of other people who were either going through or had gone through the emotions which I was experiencing. No longer was I alone! To feel that I was wanted and seen as a valid human being was what I had been searching a long time for and Tagadere ended that search.


I read on your website a testimonial saying that you worked gently and this attracted me towards you very much. Since attending the drop In and receiving support there and also in non-drop In hours, this is what I yearned for. You always have time for people and that makes you special in my eyes.


Because you are local, that comforts me as I feel that you have the time for me whenever I need it, I will not be turned away and I am not just another statistic but a living human who before I learned of you, lived in a very mentally isolated lifestyle. I believed that I was just another name on a computer until Tagadere proved that I am here as a person and that my life is worth living.


Without you, I could not have done it and I am eternally grateful. Writing these few words is not much I suppose but it is my only way of letting you know what a lifesaver you are for me.

Click the arrows below to move backwards and forwards through a small selection of the testimonials which we’ve received.  You can also place your cursor within the text and use the scroll button on your mouse to navigate. This section comprises of genuine items of feedback; we have no need to invent fictitious accolades.